Week 5: Rainbow Leaf Print
Use as many colors as you want to paint your leaves and create a beautiful rainbow vibe.
What You'll Need:
- Several leaves
- Paper plate
- Paintbrush
- Watercolor paints
- Jar of clean water
- 8.5”x11” white paper (construction, printer or watercolor)
What You'll Do:
- Kids and Adults: Start by exploring your yard or a nearby park in search of leaves. Pick a few different varieties and sizes. Floppier leaves with a lot of veins on the underside, like hydrangea leaves, work best. Go for a medium-size leaf that will fit nicely on a piece of 8.5”x11” paper.
- Kids: Place leaf with underside facing up (the veins are more prominent on the underside) on paper plate. Use paintbrush to paint entire surface of leaf with different colors of watercolor paint.
- Kids: When leaf is completely painted, go over everything with very wet brush. Use jar of clean water to clean brush each time you go over a different color to avoid blending colors too much.
- Kids and Adults: Depending on size of leaf and its “floppiness,” adults may need to help with this part. Lay clean white sheet of paper right next to paper plate. Working carefully, flip painted side of leaf onto paper. Press down all over leaf. Get another sheet of paper ready and make second print. Notice how the first and second prints are different — which one do you like best?