Florists in Richmond, Virginia

Kroger has 7 florists in Richmond, VA. Order flowers for pickup by selecting a location below or use our flower delivery service to send a fresh bouquet to a loved one. If you prefer to shop in-store, our friendly florists are ready to help you create a perfect floral arrangement for any occasion!


3507 W Cary St, Richmond, VA, 23221
(804) 254-1975
Pickup Available


1510 Eastridge Rd, Richmond, VA, 23229
(804) 288-2730
Pickup Available

Gayton Crossing

1356 Gaskins Rd, Richmond, VA, 23238
(804) 740-1718
Pickup Available


4816 S Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA, 23231
(804) 222-0240
Pickup Available


901 N Lombardy St, Richmond, VA, 23220
(804) 213-3620
Pickup Available

Short Pump

11895 W Broad St, Richmond, VA, 23233
(804) 360-2643
Pickup Available

Willow Lawn

1601 Willow Lawn Dr Ste 1, Richmond, VA, 23230
(804) 288-2885
Pickup Available