How It Works
If desired, please place any personal items in the front basket to avoid needing assistance at checkout.
Remove desired item from the cart. The screen will prompt you to confirm the item you just removed. Tap “confirm” and the item will no longer be in your order. Please remove one item at a time.
Tobacco, hard liquor, gift cards and behind- the-counter pharmacy items are not supported. You can still purchase these items by placing them in the front basket and paying in a separate order at self- checkout. Using paper coupons, paying with cash, check, EBT, WIC or split tender also requires a separate order at self-checkout.
Yes, an associate will verify your ID at checkout.
Approach the self-checkout area and an associate will be ready to assist you.
Yes, tap “add produce/deli”, then enter the PLU number located on the sticker of the item or on the item sign. Weigh your item in the cart and you’re all set!
When you’re done shopping simply approach the self-checkout area to proceed with payment.
Pay directly on the cart using a credit or debit card.
No, unfortunately neither cash nor Kroger Pay are supported by KroGo. Only credit or debit cards.
You have the option to receive an email receipt or a text message version. Simply follow the prompts on the screen after payment.
Bring your own clean reusable bags and organize items however you like! There will be reusable bags at the front of store available for purchase if you forget yours.
Please return the cart to the store lobby. You will see a sign for the cart return area.
Pricing immediately reflects any tax and discounts/coupons as items are scanned.
Haven't found what you're looking for?
Visit our Help Center for additional assistance. If you would like to speak with us directly, or if this is urgent, please call us at: 800–576–4377 (1-800-KRO-GERS)